When employees feel appreciated, respected, and involved, they are better, stronger, and more productive. STEP 11: Recommendations For Surface Level Diversity And Deep Level Diversity Case Study (Solution): There should be only one recommendation to enhance the company's operations and its growth or solving its problems. This is the degree to which individuals differ in personality, values or attitudes. All of the indications are that more people will need to continue working later in life. The differences that a person has developed through education. The aim of board diversity is to cultivate a broad range of attributes and perspectives that reflects real-world demographics. Although surface-level diversity might pose a challenge in certain cases, usually the deep-level issues are what people are more passionate about. Deep-level diversity would include differences on not only on things like functional and educational background, but also--and perhaps more importantly--things like perspectives, values, ideas, learning styles, and so on. Deep-level diversity. The various dimensions of deep-level diversity involve traits such as culture, values, and other invisible aspects. Pages 106 ; Ratings 94% (86) 81 out of 86 people found this document helpful; This preview shows page 70 - 72 out of 106 pages.preview shows page 70 - 72 out of 106 pages. tion: high diversity teams will tend to have less positive attitudes toward each other, which may trans-late into conict among team members. Deep level diversity is more important to team performance because issues will arise based on differences in beliefs, opinions, and the basic things that make people different. Surface level diversity triggers stereotypes, but deep level diversity affects the way people work communicates and behave at work. Surface-level diversity represents an individual's visible characteristics, such as age, body size, race, or sex. Non-observing qualities, or not apparent features, are included in deep-level diversity. How can diversity create a competitive advantage for a firm? There are several advantages to focusing on deep-level variables as opposed to demographic factors. Acknowledging that all cultural expressions are valid. Malcolm Forbes, entrepreneur, founder of Forbes magazine LEARNING OBJECTIVES By the end of this section, you will be able to: Define diversity and identify many aspects of diversity Differentiate between surface diversity and deep diversity, and explain the relationship between the two Define and apply principles of cultural competency . Hypotheses were tested by tracking 45 student project teams in a longitudinal design. f 2. View Notes - Surface and deep level diversity.docx from ELECTRICAL EE 445 at NFC Institute of Engineering and Fertilizer Research, Faisalabad. This article will cover 15 different reasons why diversity is important and how it plays a crucial part in our society and workspace: 1. Diverse leadership brings a wealth of knowledge and varying perspectives, which can help improve the way your leadership relates to those inside and outside of your organization. First week only $4.99! We've got the study and writing resources you need for your . The people with distinctive skills, origin, experiences, and knowledge work or co-exist together to explore unique innovative . It's important to distinguish between surface and deep-level diversity because the two types aren't necessarily intertwined. Deep Level Diversity. We discuss implications for understanding how surface-level diversity affects organizational work groups. Even though diversity may occur with respect to any characteristic, our focus will be on diversity with respect to demographic, relatively stable, and visible characteristics: specifically gender, race, age, religion, physical abilities, and sexual orientation. This term, mentioned in an article by the Harvard Business Review, refers to diversity of personality . Understanding how these characteristics shape organizational behavior is important. Business. Answer (1 of 2): Having been raised in Brooklyn, NYC. why we should make sure we're not . Traditionally, diversity has focused on easily observable, surface-level demographic traits like gender and ethnicity.In contrast, deep-level diversity focuses on traits that are psychological (e.g., personality, cognitive, or decision-making styles).Since it inherently involves the "inner workings" of people's minds, it's naturally less . This is why diversity matters, and why all future-facing companies require a diversity policy at board level. Deep-level diversity is more essential for the efficient performance of a team. Why? Deep-Level Diversity Important for Innovation But it's even better if you can also implement deep-level diversity based on things like values, skills, personality, attitudes, and diversity of thought. Diversity is a fact right now. Diversity gives you access to a greater range of talent, not just the talent that belongs to a particular world-view or ethnicity or some other restricting definition. Although surface-level diversity might pose a challenge in certain cases, usually the deep-level issues are what people are more passionate about. Diversity in the form of characteristics of individuals that are readily visible including, but not limited to, age, body size, visible disabilities, race or sex. In today's global business environment, all business leaders should think from the perspective of global leadership. The decision that is being taken should be justified and viable for solving the problems. View All. They are deep rooted in the individuals. Although these theories have been primarily used in reference to surface-level diversity, they are also applicable to deep-level diversity in that underlying attributes between people in terms of values Deep level diversity is more important to team performance and the reasons are given below. Why is it important to understand the difference between the two? write. SURFACE-LEVEL DIVERSITY AND DEEP-LEVEL On the other hand . Deep level diversity is more important to team performance because issues will arise based on differences in beliefs, opinions, and the basic things that make people different. Valuing what cultures have to bring to the table. There are those being managed. Homogenous boards can breed ignorance, groupthink and lead to bad decision making at the highest level. There are several advantages to focusing on deep-level variables as opposed to demographic factors. While deep-level diversity cannot be observed easily. . Surface level diversity can range from some skin color, age, gender, to the amount of education. Deep-level diversity is about the non-observable traits that can be concealed or revealed at a person's discretion, such as beliefs, attitudes, norms, and values, like religious beliefs (Taniguchi, n.d.). Start your trial now! Journal of Organizational Behavior, 2004 . Deep-level diversity promotes team performance by giving opportunities for authentic interaction with different personalities, learning styles and character traits that would provide opportunities for optimal team performance. Why? close. 3) If a subordinate came to you and said that he or she felt the company's new diversity hiring . It is your demographic differences. Effects of Surface- and Deep-Level Diversity on Team Processes and Performance 2. Surface level diversity triggers stereotypes, but deep level diversity affects the way . Deep-level diversity is understood as the difference in personality, the way of working, individual values and level of commitment. Deep-level diversity is understood as the difference in personality, the way of working, individual values and level of commitment. While deep level diversity is non-observing characteristics such as attitudes, beliefs, and values (Moran, Abramson, Moran, 2014, p. 177). Recent Guides . The purpose of this study was to explore the differential impact of surface-level diversity (gender, ethnicity), deep-level diversity (time urgency, extraversion), and two moderating variables (team orientation, team process) on relationship conflict over time. Understanding how these characteristics shape organizational behavior is important. Solution for Distinguish between surface-level diversity and deep-level diversity. Understanding these aspects makes it simpler to identify the similarities among people and helps to know each other better. Diversity and inclusion is important because it brings lots of benefits. Abstract. Instead of simply prompting workers to focus. Managing diversity is essential for organizations in this increasingly diverse workforce to let people know that all employees are treated fairly. Operations Management questions and answers. You have the manger as people they have certainty personality and skins that naturally lead them to certain style of leadership. A multicultural exchange of ideas bolsters . In this article, we will learn: Why diversity is . Over the course of a semester working together, surface-level diversity became less predictive, whereas actual deep-level diversity (measured by conscientiousness, task meaningfulness, and outcome importance) and perceptions of deep-level diversity became increasingly important to team social cohesion and performance". 1) Which do you think is more important to team performance: surface-level or deep-level diversity? Hidden diversity. Research shows that when deep-level diversity is cultivated, retention and productivity rise. A: it would be difficult to say that there is "best" style since we are dealing with interpersonal relation here there a lot of difference a lot. Of course, an emphasis on deep-level diversity is not, in any way, meant to diminish the importance of diversity and equality issues with regards to more surface-level characteristics. The problem is that we are confusing surface-level diversity (i.e., demographics) with deep-level diversity (i.e., personality, values, strengths). For example, psychological, ideologies, values, attitudes, functional characteristics, etc. Differences in observable characteristics of a person such as their age, race, and gender presentation. It helps provide insight . Surface-level diversity is an important first step. 2. Distinguish between surface-level diversity and deep level diversity. Diversity in characteristics that are nonobservable such as attitudes, values, and beliefs, such as religion. The two main levels of diversity is surface level diversity and deep level diversity. Diversity leads to greater innovation and creativity. Outside of becoming accepting and more aware of other cultures, it can help smash previously held stereotypes. Diversity empowerment is evidently to have many benefits to a diverse workplace environment. View Solution. Differences in non-observable aspects of a person including beliefs, values, and personality. A multicultural exchange of ideas bolsters . Because of immigration and technologies, our closeness and interaction with each other is more prevalent. While deep level diversity is the how . Surface -level diversity is related to noticeable characteristics and qualities such as gender, colour or religion. Diversity can mean many things, from gender to race to age to experience or background. If a subordinate came to you and said that he or she felt the company's new diversity hiring initiative was unfair and would compromise his or her well-deserved opportunities for advancement, how would you respond? It's harder to observe deep-level diversity. This paper will offer examples of both surface-level and deep-level diversity and their importance. However, working is not the only activity that we perform daily, we also have our social lives, our relationships in our community. Why this deep-sea explorer thinks diversity is so important for science. Step-By-Step Solution. Expert Answer 100% (3 ratings) Diversity is a challenge for organizations because it can lead to conflicts based on differences. Why? Rather than examine the effects of deep level diversity, some researchers examine the impact of deep level dissimilarity--the extent to . Outside of becoming accepting and more aware of other cultures, it can help smash previously held stereotypes. Diversity: the art of thinking independently together. Diversity and inclusion is important because it brings lots of benefits. Surface-level diversity (both task-relevant and irrelevant) may be beneficial for groups even when the group member who is different on the surface does not have a different deep-level task perspective to share. and also a design professional with deep ingrained appreciation for idea stimulus, values, open dialog and a culture that invites and embraces the value of objectivity, variety and honesty for me diversity is core to life itself. Deep-level diversity may be harder to change but can be altered if new information is learned. Diversity is vital as it enables people to be more accepting of others, brings about rich life experiences, diminishes discrimination, and increases productivity. Diversity Brings Innovation. However, the most influential aspects of diversity are psychological (e.g., personality, values, and abilities), also known as deep-level diversity. Surface-Level and Deep . Surface-level diversity is perceived as the difference in demographic characteristic such as race gender, age and ethnicity. Why? Deep-level diversity increases engagement and productivity, according to research. Surface-and Deep-level Diversity in Workgroups: Examining the Moderating Effects of Team Orientation and Team Process on Relationship Conflict. Why is it important? Learn more in: A Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Perspective on Organizational Socialization in the New Age of Remote Work Employees are happier, healthier, and more creative when they feel respected, valued and included. tutor. 1. Respecting each other's differences. Which do you think is more important to team performance, surface-level or deep-level diversity? Deep level diversity is wherein individuals feel they diverge from members of a work group. What psychological contracts do you currently have? Diversity and inclusion breed productivity as the ability to learn and grow from each other is exponentially expanded. . View Sample Solution. Why is it important to understand the difference between the two? Managers and leaders benefit from working with better ideas, broader perspectives, and better solutions. These differences, which include disparities in personality, attitudes, beliefs, values, and lifestyle (Laio, Chuang, & Joshi, 2008), are now referred to as deep-level diversity (Harrison, Price, & Bell, 1998). Most discussions about diversity focus on demographic variables (e.g., gender, age, and race). Operations Management. Opinions, beliefs, and religious affiliations are among them. 2. Top management can benefit from fabulous ideas, broader views, and better solutions. gender, ethnicity) became less important and deep-level features became more important as groups continued to interact over time (e.g., Harrison, Price . 3. It will also discuss how James 2 applies to this situation. . Because there . Diversity empowerment is evidently to have many benefits to a diverse workplace environment. All these types of diversity have been proven to make teams more creative, but it's worth noting that deep-level diversity is one of the most powerful. Most discussions about diversity focus on demographic variables (e.g., gender, age, and race). Diversity of thought is a cognitive construct . However, working is not the only activity that we perform daily, we also have our social lives, our relationships in our community. Complete Guide. A diverse team of leaders can help you establish and build trust with many different people in your organization. Study Resources. I have work. Even though diversity may occur with respect to any characteristic, our focus will be on diversity with respect to demographic, relatively stable, and visible characteristics: specifically gender, race, age, religion, physical abilities, and sexual orientation. learn. study resourcesexpand_more. We sell products or services to other parts of the world. It co View the full answer Previous question Next question If you were . Why age diversity is important. Surface level diversity is the what you can tell about person when you first meet them. The importance of cultural diversity can be interpreted on the basis of these related actions: Recognizing that there is a large amount of cultures that exist. While I was living in this stereotypical environment, I knew that something had to change. Diversity researchers have distinguished between surface-level (e.g., social categories) and deep-level (e.g., attitudes, opinions, information, and values) diversity, but have not fully . The latter helps to generate more creative . 2) How can diversity create a competitive advantage for a firm? Several studies have revealed evidence for the importance of deep-level qualities in driving success in problem-solving and decision-making activities. Why is it important to know the difference between surface-level and deep level diversity? A diverse environment has multiple benefits for personal development. A diverse environment has multiple benefits for personal development. . This is because on the one hand pensions are decreasing in value and on the other, people are becoming more likely to still have financial obligations such as mortgages or child/student support, later in life. This type of diversity is on a more analytical level and can be influenced by our surface-level diversity experiences. Diversity and inclusion breed productivity as the ability to learn and grow from each other is exponentially expanded. Which do you think is more important to team performance: surface-level or deep-level diversity? Hypothesis development Expectations of similarity. arrow_forward. But the goal should actually be to simultaneously facilitate surface-level and deep-level diversity. Effects of Surface- and Deep-Level Diversity on Team Processes and Performance 2. However, the most influential aspects of diversity are psychological (e.g., personality, values, and abilities), also known as deep-level diversity. What individual differences do you feel are most important to organizations? The relationship between surface-level and deep-level diversity can be better understood by jointly considering the similarity-attraction and social categorization paradigms, both of which play a dominant role in explaining the influence of diversity on groups (Williams & O'Reilly, 1998).When using the theoretical framework of social . Chapter 4, Problem Review_and_Discussion 11. On the contrary, deep-level diversity usually accompanies surface-level diversity, which is one reason (of multiple reasons!) Many years of research has proven that diverse groups are more innovative than homogeneous groups. To oceanographer Katy Croff Bell, the seas' uncharted depths are full of opportunities to engage women and people of . In this article, we will learn: